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A little bit about Grandad's Loft...



Nathan -


A keen collector myself, I have a fiery passion for items that tell their own story and I am attracted to items that are unique and rare.

I believe individuality is extremely important in today's society and it is important to be yourself, to be unique. I have never followed the crowd and I have always been a collector of unusual curiosities that I feel a connection with. I believe we can only buy what we like and I do struggle to part with such sentimental items, so it is wonderful when such items are treasured in their new homes.

Here at Grandad's Loft, we take a lot of time and effort to search for the most precious of items and so I can ensure all customers that they are buying something special. However, if we don't have what you are looking for then please make us aware of what you have in mind and we will be happy to keep an eye out for you!


Furthermore, we are always interested in purchasing any quirky items that you may be looking to sell. Please get in touch, you may have exactly what we are looking for!! 



Thank you.


Nathan Barry.








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